
Current Happenings

January Monthly Get-to-Gather

Thursday, January 30, 2025 6:30 pm

Join us at TCAL GAllery as we reveal the winning artists from our January/February Art Show. Visit with old friends and make new ones as we gather to enjoy the art and have some good food and drink. Bring your favorite dish or snack to share.

“November/December” 2024 Show

“Artist’s Choice”

Best in Show

“Alaska’s Northern Lights”

by Judy Ehling

See the list of Winning Entries

Gallery Hours:

11 am to 4 pm Tuesday thru Friday

11 am to 3 pm Saturday

After Hours:
Ring the doorbell next door at 212 W. Bluff and Sam will be glad
to open up the Gallery for you.

Our gallery is located at 210 W. Bluff in Woodville, Texas. Works of art by TCAL members are on view and available for purchase. All the traditional mediums are represented, including oils, watercolors, acrylics, pastels, photography, pen and ink and charcoal drawings. Other mediums on view include colored pencils, needle felted paintings, collage, wood sculpture, ceramics, and glass.

Art League Meetings

We have a “Get-To-Gather” on the last last Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm. These meetings are not currently scheduled monthly. Please check here, on our Facebook page, or the monthly email newsletter to see when meetings are scheduled.

Please join us and take the opportunity to network with local artists, as well as supporters of the arts. Everyone is welcome! 

It’s “Pitch In,” so bring a tasty treat to share while we get together and talk about what’s going on in our arts community. 

Woodville Arts District

The gallery is part of the “Arts District” in Woodville, which includes The Emporium Stage, located on the corner at 216 W. Bluff.

The Emporium Stage is a full theatre for local plays and musical concerts.

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